Lyle and Scott festeggia i 145 anni

Dalle nostre umili origini nella città scozzese di maglieria, ad un marchio britannico riconosciuto a livello internazionale, indossato con orgoglio da individui provenienti da ogni tipo di vita. L ‘ emblema Eagle è ampiamente riconosciuto come un’icona e un oggetto della storia britannica.

Celebrating 145 Years – Lyle & Scott

Proudly celebrating 145 years.From our humble origins in the Scottish Knitwear town of Hawick, to an Internationally recognised British brand, worn with pride by individuals from all walks of life. The Eagle emblem is widely recognised as an icon and artefact of British history.From the fairway to the terraces, concert halls to those weekends away, the Eagle has lasted the test of time, uniting and binding a movement together, always pushing boundaries and working towards a sustainable future.Together we march. Together we fight. Together, we take flight.

Pubblicato da Lyle and Scott su Martedì 12 novembre 2019





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